Texas Health Market Review 2020, our 16th report analyzing this dynamic market is now available. It contains 65 pages of data tables, trend graphics and narrative about the health insurers and hospital systems in the state. It describes the strategies that competing health insurers and hospital systems are pursuing, including mergers and acquisitions and strategic partnerships. The new report also includes an expanded analysis of how key elements of the Affordable Care Act are being implemented in Texas, included expansion of individual coverage, Medicaid, and Medicare Accountable Care Organizations. And it describes early measures of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health plans and hospital systems. For example, Texas HMOs saw their profits surge in the first nine months of 2020 compared to the previous year, as lower claims for non-emergent surgeries that were suspended more than offset extra expenses for COVID-19 patients.
The data set is a series of Excel spreadsheets with multiple years of detailed data on finances and enrollment for Texas health insurers and finances and inpatient utilization for Texas hospitals. The health plan data is mostly from the annual statements submitted by insurers to the Texas Department of Insurance, and the hospital data is taken from the annual survey conducted by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
The updated data set contains health plan and hospital data for 2019 as well as data from previous years.
Texas Health Market Review 2020 and Data Set
Texas Health Market Review 2020, our 16th report analyzing this dynamic market is now available. It contains 65 pages of data tables, trend graphics and narrative about the health insurers and hospital systems in the state. It describes the strategies that competing health insurers and hospital systems are pursuing, including mergers and acquisitions and strategic partnerships. The new report also includes an expanded analysis of how key elements of the Affordable Care Act are being implemented in Texas, included expansion of individual coverage, Medicaid, and Medicare Accountable Care Organizations. And it describes early measures of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health plans and hospital systems. For example, Texas HMOs saw their profits surge in the first nine months of 2020 compared to the previous year, as lower claims for non-emergent surgeries that were suspended more than offset extra expenses for COVID-19 patients.
The data set is a series of Excel spreadsheets with multiple years of detailed data on finances and enrollment for Texas health insurers and finances and inpatient utilization for Texas hospitals. The health plan data is mostly from the annual statements submitted by insurers to the Texas Department of Insurance, and the hospital data is taken from the annual survey conducted by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
The updated data set contains health plan and hospital data for 2019 as well as data from previous years.
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